
Volunteer for Impact

Volunteers are a vital part of all that goes on at Amazing Place. We are grateful for the time, talents and skills volunteers provide to enhance our Day Program and the operations of our center. We also appreciate the important role volunteers play in promoting our mission out in the community.
Our volunteers are our greatest champions and we could not be successful without them. Giving from the heart, they greet participants and families, lead Bible Study and several classes, and help in the kitchen and operationally. Volunteers enable us to use our resources wisely and effectively and are among our best community ambassadors. Consider joining us.

For More Information Contact:

Susie Howard

Director of Volunteer Services


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the process if I am interested in volunteering?
  1. Reach out to Susie Howard, 713-660-1378 or showard@amazingplacehouston.org, to schedule a brief tour and visit about our volunteer opportunities, your interests and available schedule.
  2. Afterwards, you will receive a link to complete an application form which will register you as a volunteer in our volunteer software system, Volgistics.
  3. Next, schedule and attend a New Volunteer Orientation, offered monthly, where you will receive dementia education, volunteer guidelines, and tips for communicating and interacting with our Day Program Participants.
  4. After attending training, you will be able to sign up for shifts at your convenience in Volgistics.
Do you have weekend or evening volunteer opportunities?
For English-speaking volunteers, we are only open Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. For Spanish-speaking volunteers only, our Cuidando con Respeto program has volunteer opportunities available on some evenings and weekends.
Do you require a minimum time commitment to volunteer?

No, we want to provide opportunities that work with your schedule. However, the most beneficial volunteer experience for both Amazing Place and the volunteer is a repeat assignment at specific intervals (weekly, bimonthly, monthly). This allows meaningful relationships to be formed between volunteers, participants, and staff.

What is a typical volunteer shift?

We usually schedule volunteer shifts from 2-3 hours. In our Day Program, we have shifts from 8am-9:30am, 9:30am-11:30am, 11:30am-1pm, 1pm-3pm and 3pm-5pm. Our front desk shifts are typically from 4pm-6pm. Volunteers who help in the kitchen typically work from 9am-12pm. Bible Study Leaders and Art Teachers typically dedicate an hour and a half to include set up and clean up.

Do you have group volunteer opportunities?

We welcome entertainment groups of all kinds. Our participants are a very friendly, attentive, and appreciative audience. Because of the nature of dementia, we typically cannot offer large group volunteer opportunities other than entertainment. In addition, the training requirements for interacting with our participants make one-time group opportunities challenging.

Do you have volunteer opportunities for students?

We do! Check out our STARS Program below.

What about opportunities for students during the school year?

Managing volunteering with school schedules can be difficult which is why we concentrate on student volunteers during the summer break. Many of our STARS, once trained, continue volunteering throughout the next school year on school breaks or late afternoons after school.

STARS-Student Training in Alzheimer’s & Respite

Are you a student? Each summer we recruit and train 20-25 exceptional students, ages 16-22, to participate in our STARS Program – working directly with our staff and participants to create, shape and enhance exciting programs for Amazing Place. Our STARS have an enormous impact on our organization bringing renewed energy and joy. We always look forward to summertime!

Please check back for our online Summer 2025 Application.  

For More Information About Our STARS Program, Contact:

Monica McCloskey

Volunteer Coordinator


Our volunteers: In their own voice

Adriana T., Caregiver and Volunteer

As a Venezuelan immigrant, the Cuidando con Respeto program has helped my whole family better understand dementia and changes in behavior to face challenges with hope.

Adriana T., Caregiver and Volunteer

Ava B., Day Program Student Volunteer

Never in my life have I seen volunteers as eager to come in like I have here. The mutual respect between volunteer, staff, participant, and caregiver is the greatest gift of all.

Ava B., Day Program Student Volunteer

Garvin, Volunteer

Volunteering is special. Participants, their families and the staff come in with smiles on their faces and they are clearly there to help one another.

Garvin, Volunteer

Already a Volunteer?

Click below to schedule your next volunteer opportunity.